Going Clubbing
It makes my heart beat a little faster. Well, it certainly made me smile. One of my favorite candidates returned my call this afternoon, apologizing for the delay (we have a temporary opportunity for him!). He said he’d been at two different job clubs today and was “going clubbing” again tonight.
Everyone says that networking is THE way to find that next job and there’s no more focused way to network for a new job than at a job club. Most jobseekers, sadly, say things like “pffft” when we mention it. There’s a great list available for metro Kansas Citians here (http://www.jccc.edu/home/depts.php/S00011/site/JobClubs) thanks to Johnson County Community College and you can easily find them in your community, too. You may have to try more than a few before you find one that fits your needs best; smart jobseekers are regularly attending more than one.
The fellow I mentioned? He sounds more confident and that’s priceless!