Support your employee’s participation in clubs and associations
Why should you support your employee’s participation in clubs and associations? Because it makes for happier, better-informed and better-connected employees, which will ultimately result in a more profitable bottom line for you.
Encouraging your employees to join and regularly participate in community groups is a wonderful way to give back to your community. Employees benefit by becoming engaged with, and contributing to, parts of their community. You create a culture that values that participation and contribution.
Encouraging your employees to join and regularly participate in industry-related groups is also very valuable. Your employees can learn about, and stay on top of, emerging trends in your business, and perhaps contribute to the development of those trends within your business. You get kudos for helping to fund these groups by paying for your employee’s dues and other fees. By recognizing your employee’s participation and contribution, your employees will feel valued and more connected to your organization.
Such encouragement broadens your staff’s perspective and bolsters their loyalty to you – all good things. Employees will be more productive, more dependable, easier to get along with, and more willing to work hard for you.
Anytime we can help create better-informed, committed to community, well-rounded citizens, isn’t that a good thing?